I refuse to join Facebook, but I want to be able to share some of my adventures, so I thought I would try blogging. We will have to see how long this experiment lasts...

Note: Do not wait to be the last person to get a blog, all the good names are taken (especially if you have a common name like Sarah). I tried Sarah + variations of Trips, but it just looked like a stripper's page, sigh.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Durian in Grocery Store
Davao is the home of the Durian fruit.  How do I describe it?  It is a melon size, prickly fruit that smells like bad fruit/garbage (and that is before you open it up).  Literally, you are not allowed to bring Durian fruit onto some forms of public transportation and our hotel does not allow any Durian fruit in the rooms.  An open durian is truly something to smell!  What does it look like?  It looks like bags of banana jello in each quarter of the fruit.  What does it taste like?  Something the consistency of custard that tastes like garlic mixed with onion.  
Durian cut open to "enjoy"
Hotel Durian Warning


Waya and Jan, from ABV, brought a Durian to the hotel patio for the team to try.  The pictures tell it all, I have one of Cecile and Izaskun trying Durian while Christophe and Kriti watch.  There is even a video of Clair about to throw-up after she tried it, but I don't have it.  There are durian flavored foods everywhere (coffee, ice cream, cakes, cookies), and the team actually likes some of those. 
Christophe, Cecile, Kriti and Izaskun try Durian

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